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Joining Information

  • The benefits to joining are many and you can get out of it what you put in. We focus on providing more than just a kickabout and want the impact of these sessions to go towards improving your fitness, having a healthier lifestyle and having fun doing it.    

  • To avoid over subscribing sessions, we limit numbers in each session relative to the size of pitch so that the games are not too crowded and ensure there is no impact on your enjoyment.

  • ​Once you have filled in the registrations form and are signed up, you will be allocated your preferred regular day and time as your primary weekly session. 

  • ​To see if it is right for you, you are welcome to try an initial session, it is £6 payable in advance.​ Any subsequent sessions will require you to sign up. The cost is £25 per month, payable in advance.​

  • Once subscribed members have confirmed or declined their primary slots, any remaining playing places are yours to claim at no additional charge. Feel free to join as many extra sessions as you like for each week, based on availability.​​

  • The safety and enjoyment of all participants is prioritised by tailoring our games to accommodate diverse fitness levels and abilities. ​

  • Our approach includes implementing modified rules to ensure safety of all players, such as prohibiting slide tackles and enforcing stricter controls on physical contact, to minimize the risk of injury. ​

  • Additionally, each session begins with thorough warm-ups and concludes with proper cool downs, further reducing the likelihood of injuries​

  • ​​As these are friendly kickabouts, we referee ourselves. 

  • For further information contact us below. 

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